Club Spotlight: Britney's Beautiful Bunch!

You may know this Club as “Brtnys Btful Bnch” in the weekly Top Ten, with the letters all bunched up together due to space considerations. But this frequent Top Ten Club definitely looks prettier when the letters are allowed to open up and breathe…

Read the full story here:

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I love this club’s story. And the fact they have been playing the game so long together. Recently I was in a group that was way up the totem pole. I couldnt figure out why we were not going anywhere. I was invited to a club that was placing in at around 300. A far cry from where I was. As soon as I joined Kath I wanted to show the players they could count on me. Going from 25th place to 10th in a day was tremendous for me. But getting a high 5 from everyone was what felt good. Yesterday I purchased the big gift box for the breast cancer awareness. What a great cause and with all the proceeds going right to this cause it’s amazing. It’s special to me as I lost my lifelong best friend in 2009. Every person in my group was soooooo grateful. Then other’s did the same. We are in 22 place right now in the competition and I am glad to say i’m happy to be apart of this group like Britney is with her awesome group.


I have always admired this group. I played with one of the players when I first started the game. It is hard work but I think she is enjoying it. Woooo Hoooo congratulations Britney’s Beautiful Bunch!


I love the fact that they are from different countries and still have a common interest in this game & pets. They seem to communicate very well as a group! Congrats on your achievements!!


Wow congratulations Britney’s beautiful bunch!! That’s awesome you’ve all been together and played for so long!! It is hard work and lots of dedication to the game!! I myself have been in many over the past 4 years that I’ve played and it certainly my games have improved over the years, I’m so proud of you and your team and you all working so hard together I’m happy to see you on the spotlight good luck and happy playing :blush:


This Team is a real inspiration. I’ve been a part of our Team (Just for Fun) for several months now but it’s only been the last couple months that our wonderful Leader, Mitzi, and Co-Leader, Brenda, have encouraged the rest of us to become more active in our Team. The changes have been GREAT and I now feel that I actually know these people that are spread across the US as well as a couple players from the UK. I look forward to getting on and playing as well as catching up with everyone every day now. We should all take a lesson from Brittney’s Team and learn how to keep the FUN rolllin along!! Thanks for sharing their story! :slight_smile:


With the world n such a state it is good to know we can all come together as one. Kudos to this team in showing how it can be accomplished.


Congratulations Britney’s Beautiful Bunch ! You guys know how communication is key in group situations. That’s why you are in the top ranks. :blue_heart:

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I love their motto :heart:️. I have not been in my group for long, but I love being part of it. Not a lot of chatter, but a lot of hard work. One of the players bought one of the gift boxes yesterday for us, and I was wowed for sure. I only came to play the game, but am learning how fun it is to be part of the team I’m on, working together, getting wherever we get- together :).


Animals always bring people together, they are like family most times and always a cute story to share


Congratulations! To your team!


I am so proud to be part of this team, and to be part of a team that plays so honestly.


Kiddos to BBB, it’s hard work getting that high. And wonderful that they have been together for so long.


Thank you nice club story about sticking together


Congratulations BBB
I know this team well and can tell you they deserve to be in the top 10 rankings. Each player enjoys the game, is driven to compete and committed to their team. I enjoyed a spot on BBB and learned a lot about the game from the leader and co-leaders. Even after I left the team there the type of people who I can still stay in touch with.


I think the best asset a team can have is communication. Whether it be pets, travel, food, your daily life, etc… this is how you grow as a team. Great motto Brits beautiful bunch. Way to go.


Isn’t it funny how most successful groups have strong leaders, strong chat communication, some for laughs, some for high fives, etc. Kind of like what makes groups successful in other areas of life, too!


Kudos for having a well represented team across the globe. It gives new meaning to “it’s really a small world”. Wether all the playersbareb

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Kudos for having such a well represented team across the globe. It really a small world and we all can enjoy such universal game. Good leaders set the pace and like minded people can come and have fun. great job to BBB.