Club Quest horn/maxers

I truly wish the club quest horn could be honked by every player that completes there share of the club quest.
It’s only fair every person gets credit for maxing it🙂
I know a lot of leaders/coleaders would love this feature
***send a feed back ticket for this.
If we are lucky maybe they will actually change something players will be happy about :rofl:


We just say “Maxed” when finished…easy to keep track of who is/isn’t playing!


But the trouble is people lie as we’ve found out many times in the past as we track stars and points.


I definitely would it would save a lot of time! I’ve sent a ticket in about it umpteen times and suggest it every time they ask for feedback…still waiting but at least i know it’s been sent to the developers :joy:


Ohhhhh! Yes, I guess people can lie. : (


We just ask people when they have maxed out to add it to the chat and that works well; the automated one is useful to show when the first person has completed and hurry everyone else on; by players posting themselves that they have maxed out they can also so encourage the other players personally to finish their part.

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Can you explain what you mean by tracking stars and points please? Is there something that comes up in the game app?

I am sure people could be untruthful but it’s usually quite clearly who’s done what given when you see them online and when they are on the chat saying hi etc. I don’t think anyone in our team would lie about it I don’t see the reason to it is not something worth creating a story about. Either you did it or you didn’t … Simples lol


It’s surprising how many people do especially if one of the club rules is that club quests are a must. To track them we screenshot the points at the beginning of a points quest and we write the red stars down at the beginning of a stars quest. The reason we started doing this is because when the cq’s were first reintroduced we kept missing quests and we could see who was actually contributing as we had people who just didn’t bother when the rest of us were working hard to get them. It also means that if someone has forgotten to say maxed you know that they have or if you have a player that doesn’t speak English so doesn’t know to say maxed you can see if they do club quests.
In the club notes I have a congrats to the top cq contributors, i split it into 10/10, 9/10, 8/10. The top point scorers are celebrated each week by the crown so I decided to celebrate the top cq contributors as well.


As yes people lie in this game all the time🤨
We have been posting CQmaxers in our notes and have found we have one in our club.
We know this because the CQ said 22 maxers… we had 22 people on the list as maxed and our club quest was NOT finished…

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I agree!! It would be great, tho my club is good about letting fellow members know and, more importantly HONESTLY, I have been in a club where it was a question as to if said players really did “max” or not.

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I really didn’ imagine anyone would lie!!! : ( sad


Another option would be to change the check box that deals with who has unlocked the gift box. Personally I care more about who has maxed the quest vs who has unlocked a gift box.


I have submitted MULTIPLE tickets to TriPeaks to please replace the “Club Gift” checkbox on our Clubhouse Roster with the members who have completed the “Club Quest”! In my opinion, and the opinions of my co-leaders, that would be a much more beneficial use of space than who tapped the “Club Gift”. My request have always fallen on deaf ears.


Totally agree! Check box for completing the club quest…not the gift box.


Deaf ears abound in the help center!!!

I Agree dont understand why and what is so hard about it

I like your idea, Tasha, but then what if a player maxes their cq part and doesn’t toot the horn. You still wouldn’t know that they are finished especially if they do not chat. I think the best solution is to change the club gift check box to a cq max box. Ive sent in numerous feedback tickets about this as well. Here’s hoping for that change!


Very true😊 …maybe I’m the only one drawn to that horn…lol it just makes my day if I get to toot it. But yes there is plenty of space in the clubhouse for another check mark box. I would be happy with either.

@Tasha it is not always the first player who who presses the “horn” as you call it that is the first to complete their portion of the Quest. We have had occasions where someone’s finished first and haven’t pressed it properly, or at all I, and then the second, third or fourth etc person that finishes does. It is a good feature/ reminder I suppose that there is a Club Quest in the process.

My comment though really is if you don’t trust the people you play with on your team why do you stay on the team?

All of this further adds to my absolute confusion with many comments recently; if people don’t like the game and spend more time complaining than playing, why play!? If people don’t trust the people they play with why stay on the team or be on a team at all?
I may have missed the point of a “game” but I believe the majority of people play it as an escape, a time occupier or for fun. There are some people like myself and other players on the team I play on that play for the fun and the neurological benefits. What exactly is the reason for someone playing that is in a constant state of upset, apparent anger, dislike of the set-up and distrust of the players of the game?
Do they have low blood pressure and wish to have it raised? There are so many important things in the world to be upset about but a free-game application of which there are tens of thousands of just doesn’t seem to fall under the umbrella of things to dedicate petitions, strikes and other such actions and behaviours towards.

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@Katie_Maughan that seems like a lot if work. Also it means you have to be on the game at the exact moment the quest ends and entire Team, which takes more than one screenshot; you then have to spend time deducting their continued progress from the progress at the time the Quest started. This is time away from playing.