Christmas Toy Drive

Are you going to raise money for a toy drive again this year. I believe we raised quite a bit last year and hope you will do it again this year.


@Venita_Crouch, good question! I hope they do this again too!


Toys for tots! Yes we need a double gift day, :grinning: the clock is ticking let’s go Tri peaks …
Not to side track anything but they have so much going on in the game they still haven’t offered the chest for the champs Either .(special week) :confused:


Why have you stopped doing the double gift boxes for causes? We look forward to helping the wonderful causes you select, but it also gave us an opportunity to give to our teammates. Please bring them back.

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If they aren’t bringing it back then we the players deserve to know rather than wondering. The wild card event, not cool.

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I will not buy from that section in the game, they are offering all proceeds to go to toys for tots, I WILL DONATE LOCALLY NOW… I will always purchase on double gift day when it’s for a cause, I like to share w my team, but I will not spend money only on myself even if it’s for a good cause.

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