Casual player looking for a club

Check us out, Team Sluggo. We would love to have you!

ā€œJust hereā€ is looking for new players.

Come join us on Queen Bees. We are looking for solid players

Please consider joining our club - Angels Above. We are a supportive and competitive team with easily attainable minimums. We all enjoy the game and work together as a team for the benefits for all members. Thank you. Bonnie

Did you find a club? Just4Fun is a great family that is looking for people who are willing to help in competition for gems, hunt tribute and well have fun.

Started a team today! No dig req. Daily players preferred; mostly to bank coins, collect tributes, and just earn perks together. 24hr max idle, but obvs life happens so as long as itā€™s communicated before hand that you have something youā€™re dealing with and canā€™t play for a few days that is fine also. Life happens so I get that for sure.

Team is public and called Team Freewill.

Come join us in Tiki Treasures very casual ,100 tributes a week, club gift unlock, if you sign up to race or dig we just ask that you participate in the competition :grinning:

Come join us Tiki Treasures we would love to have you