Can't Sign Up For Scopely Account

Can anyone tell me exactly HOW to sign up for a Scopely account? I’ve tried repeatedly and have had numerous discussions with customer service, all to no avail.

On my device, I go to Menu and Accounts, where I’m offered a choice of signing in with Facebook or with Scopely. I choose Scopely, and immediately get a screen that says “Cancel Scopely Sign In.” I now have three tickets on the same issue, and am beyond frustrated!!


EXACT same thing happened to me, i tried to sign up 3- 4 times now. I even requested help, to no evail. I got so extremely frustrated that i stopped trying to sign up…if you have “found a way” PLEASE pass it on😍 it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Mk- Gold Guild

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An update on my ongoing problem in getting a Scopely account.

This morning I got a message from a third customer service representative. His request is that I make a VIDEO - using a different device - of the steps that I’m taking so that they can further investigate the issue. Absolutely bizarre!!!

I informed him that a video will show him nothing more than the information and pictures that I have already provided.

At this point (and as I pointed out to the rep) I think that one of two things is happening: Either Scopely’s IT department hasn’t a CLUE as to what is going on, OR Scopely doesn’t WANT me to have an account, given the number of rewards and gems I have accrued. If my account isn’t linked, and something happens to my device, I lose everything.

I think the real problem might be with me - for even wanting to be associated with this company.

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Wow… I’ve had this problem for a long time now!! When I try with Scopely, it said click link. (Never had to use it again). When I try using FB, it says “do u want to stay as Gloria.” I say yes…still can’t do nothing.

I now have 4 work tickets, with no resolution. Additionally, Scopely has stopped communicating with me. Apparently it figures that by ignoring me, I’ll either forget (NOT going to happen) or I’ll go away (which I’m considering.) Terrible, TERRIBLE customer service!!!

An update: Scopely continues to ignore me, and I’ve stopped asking Customer Service (THAT’S an oxymoron!!!) for help. When my device quits and my account is ‘lost,’ I’ll move on to a game app that actually knows what customer service is and that actually CARES about its players. For certain, that ISN’T Scopely!!

I get ya!!! Don’t really know who’s the blame for my situation. I hate to click “News” on the game. Every thing sounds really good but I have yet to receive any free daily gifts or any free items!! They will take my money though… I’ve been playing this game for 3+ yrs and spent lots of money but not appreciated. I’m surprised I could get here. I’m thinking, I don’t remember anything, they helped me with. It says, when I sign in that I’m signed up in Facebook & and can’t sign in using Scopely. Click link, does nothing. Thanks for listening…