Been asked to join

I have recieved message to join another club, and I would like to, have had 2 invites, I try to join and it says club is full. How do I contact the club?, to let them know I will join but cant…

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to contact the club. The leader has most probably sent multiple invites and someone has replied before you. Hence the message saying the club is full. If you really like any of the club’s you have been invited to I suggest holding onto the invite until they have an opening. You can check by going on the view button in the invite. Good luck. :slight_smile:

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What sort of score do you get each event? We have somebody who can’t spend time playing any more, so will have a vacancy at the end of this period.

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I’ve gotten invites but there are level requirements. Is there a way to know these before leaving current club?

Hi @LadyRet, when you get the invite, tap the More Info button. A lot of leaders state the requirements in the club motto area, just under the club name. If they didn’t do that, you can look at the members and see how everyone is doing to get an idea of the club.

Mottos I understand. It is level requirement of which I speak. I’d like to know what level is required to join BEFORE leaving my current club. Is that possible?

We don’t have specific level requirements, but if you can score at least 25k each period and play for the club quests, you would be very welcome in ‘Going up’ - check us out :slight_smile:

@LadyRet, if you like the club, click to accept the invite, of you haven’t completed enough islands to join that club, you won’t leave your current club. :slight_smile:

Ah… Thank you for that info.

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