3 free wilds on log in

I clock on the link for the shop. It pops up with my 3 free wilds. I log in through Facebook and they disappear. After i log in they are gone. Been happening for a long time

They take mine too. I don’t know what is the reason and I’m glad someone else sent a question to the questionnaire because I wanted to say something but didn’t have a push doing 4. You have a second involvee member my friend. That’s two now if noone else has replied yet.

The free daily gift on their web shop shows up in the INBOX, under the Rewards tab. If it does not the only thing I can suggest is to contact their support. At the top right should be 3 lines, tap on that and scroll down to FAQ, once there they have a chat bubble at the bottom right…or click on this link: Tiki Solitaire Tripeaks Website — Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks Help Center

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Thx. That is a real help with the response too. Someone sees my asking.