Who let the Mini Tiki’s out?
Who, who, who, who, who?
Who let the Mini Tiki’s out? Who, who, who,who, who?

I TOLD YOU THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!!! You weren’t supposed to open the curtain.

I think we need to talk about your ad"tik"tion…

When you are addicted to Solitare TriPeaks sweetheart they just seem to come and follow me so they can play too and they can help us in the competition they love to play just like me so can we keep them please

One Mini, Two Mini, Three Mini-Tikis, Four Mini, Five Mini, Six Mini-Tikis…

There like rabbits, everytime I open my eye’s there’s more of them.

But babe, they were a lightening deal on AMAZON!!! :woman_shrugging:

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I guess we keep them…

Ooooh Tikis my favorite snack😋

They are growing like weeds. They seem to multiply.

I told you we need to keep the volcano low!

When her hubbie came home qnd found choose the wife said…“Well LOVE I think it is Your turn to rescue them!”

John, since you didn’t believe that my Tripeak teammate’s were REALLY my friends, I invited my team over for a party! From the Ashes knows how to have a good time!

Babysitter: I’m playing Tripeaks.
Dad: Your surrounded by mini tiki, are you Not entertained!?

You know how we get so many mini tikis? Who cares it’s fun having them around!

Man: “Honey, I’m hooooooooom…. My goodness. Why are all these baby tikis running around?”
Woman: “Well they were just so cute and I couldn’t just keep one. :sweat_smile:” “Can we keep them?!? PLEEEEEEEASE!”

Don’t worry, honey. The tikis will be gone in 20 seconds.

Miranda, I think that your game just went virtual. Those little mini tikis are popping out of your tablet! Shut it down PLEASE!!!

Who let the tikis in whoot whoot

Been spending most my nights playing in a Tiki Paradise! :microphone::guitar::drum: