TriPeaks Game feedback 1

I would like to be able to send coins or gifts to any player you choose, or send of the coins I collected to a player on my team.

Also I would like to be able to look somewhere to find tricks or find extra coins, or even hints about game play


I know youā€™ve been working on Club quests for awhile. Have the software writers ever considered modeling the Club quest on the same script as the Tiki totem? The Tiki totem is essentially the club quest in reverse. Everyone in the club contributes totems to keep lava(?) level moving downward. It requires ā€œxā€ amount of totems to achieve the ā€œdesiredā€ outcome.

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When we buy extra cards they should not cost so much and if we donā€™t use them all they should go to our next game that would help out tremendously

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I would like to see a skill training section where players (or even you admins) can discuss what makes for better club point totals as it would make for a more competitive game and also an indication as to the number of club points required for each chest as that would allow an informed decision to be made as to whether or not it makes sense to jump onto one of the specialty chests versus staying on a numbered chest (I read somewhere that the big kahuna felt that such information was viewed as a ā€œmistakeā€ on another game but I cannot figure out how that could be adverse to a player os maybe its an economic issue for administration but I cannot figure out that view either).


More times than not you get to the point of needing 1more card, however, 6k is a bit much. Possibly create a way to purchase a wild card with coins verses actual money. This game should be-&it IS-FUN, but when youā€™re running out of coins to complete a level, itā€™s frustrating. I personally canā€™t afford to purchase, & this game provides relaxation for me.
Having a way besides chat to communicate with teammates. Maybe even having the CHAT pop up on the screen upon logging in so players WILL read. A lot of players donā€™t read however, the improvements to the leader controlling the perk order was a marvelous idea, as itā€™s helped all members to be on the same perks!

I think uodates are beneficial, but the last update requiring more action from the user is silly. I dont dont think confirming that a quest is complete or you mossed a quest and its over is necessary. We have not done this before. I liked that you finish a quest it is yours. Yoi dont, it is gone. This new hacing to click to accept completion or deletion is non productive. Sorry but true.

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It would be nice to view your ranking during the challenge weeks.
Add a mini game to earn more coins
Increase the club points when u have a e star streak.
Add a story to the levels to it more interesting.

  1. I wish I could contact my club leaders or co leaders personally in the message tab in my inbox, without having to use the open club chat all the time.
  2. The ability to send coins to people within my club instead of having to add them to my Facebook page.
  3. When youā€™ve won a level if youā€™ve already reached the second run star, whatever cards left from the draw deck go towards the run star cards you need left to reach the 3rd star. Iā€™ve won so many game and have 5-8 cards left in my draw pile and miss that last run star by 1 card.
  4. It may already be out there somewhere and I just havenā€™t found it yet. But have an info tab that gives a better break down description of how the coins are tallied when you win a level. That is the biggest confusion I see within the club members and on Tripeak Facebook pages.
  5. On the weekly perk levels, can there be a coin count on each perk. Like if a club is working on Perk 5, when you open the perks section to see the club progress on that perk you can see how many coins we still need before completing That perk. So if we need 150,000 to complete Perk 5 and weā€™ve earned 100,000 so far, somewhere on that perks line show (100,000/150,000). Thereā€™s times that little green line seems to never move no matter how many levels you win. So it would just be a nice to have that quick reference of where we are or where we need to be.

Iā€™d like to see club quests come come and free plays used when chosen. I think some of the updates are headed in the right direction in leveling the playing field between players but, I think itā€™s taking too long to roll out the new update to all players. I think these players are getting advantages just like the Luau that went in for over a year. I never had the and I donā€™t have this daily reward eitherā€¦itā€™s getting frustrating. Iā€™d also like to see different ways to buy packages. Lastly I think the forum needs to be redone because itā€™s kinda hard to navigate.

I hate the new claiming feature because i have no received any rewards and it has really put a dent in my coins. Iā€™m very unhappy.

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We should get all the coins for all of the prince at we have

I too have found it difficult to navigate and would like to post how disgusted I am with the newest apec oak perk! 850000 is unobtainable by most but the top 50 clubs so I donā€™t honestly know why we lesser clubs carry on playing when the game is obviously geared to cater for them (top 50)

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I am a coleader in a club. We are in Diamond League. We donā€™t have any trouble getting 850k for an extra perk. So you are wrong when you say itā€™s only for the top 50 clubs.