Player Hints and Tips - Asking Friends for Help

Asking Friends for Help Tip:
In the game, go to Facebook Friends icon (top right corner of the screen), and then to the Tripeaks Friends tab, it lists up to 50 friends. By default, they are all selected, tap Ask for Help. When they send your free help coins (at no cost to them), you’ll get a notice in your inbox. Be sure to check the message tab of your inbox to send free help coins to your friends, that have requested help (at no cost to you).

More than 50 Friends Tip
You can send help requests to more than the 50 it shows you, if you have more.

Send the requests like you usually do. While still in the Tripeaks Friends window, type an ‘a’ up in ‘search’ & then hit ‘done’. Select the ‘select all’ button. At the bottom, on the left you’ll see the additional # of people it selected. Hit ‘ask for help’. Repeat the steps, except search for an ‘e’ … & other vowels if needed, or try consonants (just 1 letter at a time) I am able to ask for help from an additional 30+ people by doing this.

Note: You will still only get 60,000 coins a day, and you can request help from as many friends as you have, only up to 50 at a time though


I have to change profile page as not the same as Facebook

Aloha! Does anyone know if I wake up in the morning and more than 20 friends have sent me coins, can I still collect 60,000 or will the game prohibit me from collecting anything? Mahalo!

When I get into the game for the first time each day, I have 75,000 help coins waiting for me. When I hit “collect” I receive 60,000 coins. The other 15,000 are held for the next day.


Can you show me a pic of the steps

Me too please…also how does adding players as Facebook friends get us more coins? I’m new and play ALOT, I surely will use all the coins I can get!

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This post was 3 years ago. The add friends from Facebook no longer exists. You can only add by players in your club, or the friend suggestion tab

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Oh lol, thank you! What other ways can we get free coins? I’m new…


If you click the news tab on this site aat the top, there is a new web shop once a day you get a free gift. Go to Facebook and look up tiki solitaire, or click Facebook on the game in your inbox, you can collect the free items up to 2 months ago.