New configuration of treasure shrine

What a downgrade to the game. It has been adjusted so that you very rarely land in the wild card slots (used to land there all the time when they were medallions). Made it very hard to accumulate trap torches and the 500 coin slots are a horrible change. Greatest game ever is now not so much!


Very much agree! A terrible change!

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It truly sucks but in the political climate we’re all in it makes sense. Their lack of understanding, their lack of even caring, their lack of honesty, their lack of empathy, all in the name to enrich themselves.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the members of Congress had a financial interest in the game.
It just mirrors what they’re doing to us in another dimension.
Just fake news so you can pass it along…

Really don’t like the new way the treasure shrine is set up. Spend
Too much time earning medallions for so little in return


Never will use coins to play . Occasionally I would before …500 coins for 2500 how dumb could that be . I never hit wilds now either . Bummer

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I sent feedback through the help center regarding this. I said what a waste/ripoff the 500 coin slot is and that the wilds are impossible to get. I suggested they put it back the way it was or change the 500 for gems or even medallions. At least with a medallion you get a second chance to win something.


I was one that “complained” about the medallion slots, and suggested they reconfigure… and they did… :open_mouth: Ok, now I truly know the meaning of “it could be worse” LOL. Hopefully, they decide this new shrine doesn’t work.


I always thought of the medallions as a second chance at Getting a booster, Wild or free play.

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