Need friends for coins

Looking for people who would like to be friends for sharing coins. I play daily.


So am I. Nobody that I know plays this game.

Well if you would like to give me your name and what your profile pic looks like on FB, I will look you up and send you a friends request so we can start sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

I gift daily & need more friends. Jody Pritchard Kennedy. Profile pic is a German Shepherd.

Me too!!! Deb White.I play daily

Hi. Wendi Coddington. Nc I play daily. Pic of me and hubs. Longish grey/white hair. Thanks

I’m in. Debbie Sexey… Pic on FB profile. I have never gifted before and will have to check it out.

I’ll try it… Debbie Sexey pic on FB

I’m looking for friends for coins as well. If anyone would like to send me a request, my name is Olivia Simone Karroum. :blush:

Trying to figure out how to do this ,first time on coin sharing I’m in.