MOVIE QUIZ: Favorite Movie in the past year?

My favorite movie was ninja turtles. Because my fiance named michael loves Michaelangelo and loves the turtles from his childhood

A Man Called Otto
I really liked the book A Man Called Ove, that it was based on. :blush:

65, with Adam driver. Love dinosaur movies sci-fi, love the way they incorporated our history of dinosaurs and the meteor that wiped them out and space travel all in one, great movie

Jesus Revolution. Fantastic true story from the 60’s.

Fast X is the best movie by far I’ve seen this year.

Barbie! such a fun movie!

Barbie! Have to go again!

I really enjoyed the Super Mario Bros with my daughter and The Transformers movie this year. Barbie was also cool and funny

Ninja turtles. Because i love turtles and it is good to see them move like a human.

Dungeons and dragons

Mission impossible with Tom cruise

Sound of Freedom was the best movie of the year!

Barbie was pretty good lol

The Barbie movie was the best movie of this year!

Sound of Freedom! That’s my favorite

Drama: Elvis…Comedy: 80 for Brady.

Elemental, no question.

I loved John Wick 4. Saw it with my husband and there was never a boring/dull moment. We went to NY this summer and saw some of the places where scenes were shot.

Mother is a awesome movie

We Are The Millers. Just watched it on Netflix. Gave me some good laughs. Great cast.

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