Looking for a friendly club

I play often, and always find tributes, complete challenges, unlovk the chest etc so I want a group that has people that do the same! I migh have a day where I’m unable to come online here and there because sometimes my job is a bit intense and the clubs seem to have really strict rules that I’ve seen so far, can anyone invite me to theirs?

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Please look at Going up - we are a fairly relaxed club. All we ask is that you post if unavailable for a while, and collect Tributes regularly. Come and join us :slight_smile:

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Can you add to your post, what points you get weekly?
And alot of clubs have no idle rules unless communication is noted.
And if you can post a screenshot of the club you are in with your name and profile picture in the picture, you’ll get alot more invites


Chill island has a spot. Gold club, active players but very low minimums and not strict on daily play, just appreciate a note if you’re gonna be off for several days. Join us if we sound like a good fit!

What are your minimum requirements? I play just over 10,000 a week. Collect tribs, red stars, and play all cqs. I like to chat a lot.

theTiKiLounge has openings and you could be a good fit. Perk order 126354, 15000 points 150 tributes perk week. Laid back relaxed club. No drama.

canibus ISLANDS is a great team! i joined them not to long ago and there’s always communication and positive messages from our leader! one of the requirements is everyone must collect tributes, which is great! also all the club quests are always completed! hope to see you join !

I recently cleared out some players who were not very active and didn’t interact in chat or help with club quests. :frowning: we are helpful, and work as a team and we like to stay in the gold level for now so if you are cool with that, we’d love to have you.

We are looking for a few active players who play daily and make tributes a priority. We ask that you earn 1000 club points and 40 tributes right away when you join, to show you are a serious player.

Club name to search for is Tki Fun Zone

Come join our brand new team!
ShakedownStreet is seeking dedicated players to help us get to the top!