Looking for a club to call home.

Want to be part of a good club that is looking for long term members. I try to finish all cqs, do most of the digs and work hard to help finish perks. Average 30 to 40k per week but need a club that understands when you have an occasional bad week.

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Please consider ‘Going up’ - we have a vacancy and would be delighted to have you join us long-term :slight_smile:

Thanks. I sent an invite request.

Got a request from Dee, is that you? If not, haven’t received yours

If still looking my team ice hotel is looking for new daily players after sadly ever lost a lot of players :frowning: A few went off for life breaks & sadly rest of team didn’t stick around as we were no longer a full team :frowning: So we need to rebuild :frowning:

We understand life gets in the way but as long as you communicate we’ll do our best to accommodate this as long as it’s not taken for granted :wink:

All we ask in return is you play daily, max your share when we have enough players, especially tributes! Get min of 10k most well exceed this & it’s a strict 1k b4 first idle & 24max idle time unless communicated as above!

We do dig but it’s optional & if could stop club doing I would :wink: If you do qualify it’s a strict 6 shovel min rule or you’ll be removed! But CQ MUST BE MAXED B4 digging :wink:

We look forward to welcoming you to our family

Hi The Resty place would love to have you here are our rules. Let me know what you think. If that is not competitive enough for you talk to me about our sister diamond league team.

Come to paz2 we would love to have you!

Yes. My player name is Dee.

OK, just accepted you.

tomboys is looking for good team players that participate in chat and play tributes, quests and comps

I just started Havana haven for the reason. Please come join

White Lightnin is looking for good players. We are a understanding life happens team but are competitive

Come check out Handsdown4dver. Friendly club that knows life happens. Just request in. We will open the door for you.

Join us, boondock saints. Looking for somebody that gets Tributes & plays as a team

Try Willow Peaks we have a friendly club with mins being 1 point for trips and 1 club point to be done by Monday 5pm PDT. No guest name after 8/15.

Please join Tikisim.

Just playing would love to have you.

We have a few spots on Happy hour, come join us!