Join the Play4perks Menagerie

Accepted your request Pebble, and I sure will let you know when we have room in p4p2. :slight_smile:

I would be interested in joining currently in beautiful smiles

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I’m going in to get you right now LOL

Please tell me what I do to join

Ok Anne, I wasn’t able to find you, so… go into the clubhouse, then tap on the Discover tab. In the search box put p4p2 (both lower case p’s). It should show you a list of clubs. Find our club and tap on that, then the “Request Join” button.

Ok- found it & Sent request

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Я Инесса из Москвы. Берите меня в свой клуб)

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I’m Inessa from Moscow. Take me to your club

Hi @Inesska_Tokareva-Kap, Play4perks and p4p2 clubs are full. Would you be interested in p4p3 or p4p4 clubs for now?

Привет, Инесса, клубы Play4perks и p4p2 полны. На данный момент вас интересуют клубы p4p3 или p4p4?

I’m interested in joining. I’m tired of being 1 of 3 people playing out of club of 25


Just requested to join p4p2. Was in Beach Lovers. Avg. 10 -20k a week. Participate in CQ, tributes, club gift, chat. Play daily and communicate if I can’t play.

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Yes please. I’d love to join


I’m interested in your group


@BethJ79, @Shanda_Utter,
Play4perks is currently full. We have 1 spot available in p4p2 at the moment, if you can earn 10,000 points a week. Someone requested to join, and I accepted their request, but they haven’t joined yet- so the spot is still open.

We also have a couple spots open in p4p3 and p4p4.

Beth gets first pick, because she wrote first, but we have room for both of you.

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Looking for a resting team. I have always been an active player but I help out my Mom who is elderly. Also like to get out & camp off grid. Retired. Currently in a great team but don’t want to keep up the fast pace. Platinum team

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Hi @Toni_Kirsch, we have 3 rest teams. p4p3 and p4p4, where we ask our members to play once or twice a week - or p4p5, where you don’t need to play at all. Just collect and share coins.

Btw, in 2 & 3, we have plenty of players that make great points, so we get a few perks.

Which team would be better for you? Please request to join any of those teams, and let me know your screen name, so I can accept you.

Looking for new club with ppl that actually play! I’ve been in Bahama Mama’s since I started and no one plays or interacts!
I’ve been in the top of the leaderboard for weeks and need those who want to be a team!


Welcome to the forum @Tammy_Curry
Have you found a more active team?
What is you game name?

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