Forum feed back

The form is a great idea. And a lot of great information is shared a lot of great tips and tricks I’ve learned something new. It is very hard to navigate and read. I do like how you can log in with Facebook very easily. It takes a lot of time and the information isn’t sorted very well… for me it’s not useful and I will not use it I’m just honest. It is a pain to sort it’s a pain to navigate it takes away from the game. It’s not fun it’s a job… I already have too much to do.

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Forum is great idea feel we have good contact with tri peaks in here verse fb page . Thank you for caring enough to make this for us players


Thank you for your feedback @Stormi_Johnson, we are working to make this forum more organized and user friendly. Please stay tuned :smiley:

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This forum is not easy to navigate makes me want to leave.