Now just relax and breathe in and out slowly, relaxing more each time you exhale. Now tell me about those nightmare tiki"s from the beginning.

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Yeah Doc I came here today to see you because I just cant stop playing Solitare TriPeaks I try and try to stop but I just can’t there isn’t nothing you can do to help fix me Dr. Tornado maybe if you can give me some free coins I can just keep playing and fix my addiction

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You see doc, im from different worlds…

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I see tiki’s, I dream of tiki’s, I can’t handle all of these tiki’s…

But Volcanos and bomb cards are sending me right round the bend!

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So, when did these dreams of Queen Karma begin?

What island is next?!?!

Sometimes when I’m on the verge of sleep I remember it’s time to ask for free coins and then the madness starts again.

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Dr. I promise I those exploding volcanos are real. I just can’t help feeling like I there is not enough time!

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Turning that last card is just too much excitement when it the winning card!!

Therapist: “Look Tiki, I know you’re having bad dreams but I can’t help you unless you talk about it.”
Tiki: “Ok. Listen Doc, I keep having nightmares about a volcano erupting. It keeps me from getting my perks and I’m scared!”

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No I don’t know why your dog wears a mask

Lava leaves me anxious.

I prescribe 5 Tributes to help calm the volcanoes.

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last night when I was trying to be intimate with my spouse of 29 years all I could think about was a Volcano erupting and all I could do was laugh. What’s wrong with me?

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So you say you feel “hunted” ?

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I keep having this dream, Doc. I go up the mountain, but then I wake up. What happens when you get to the top Doc? What happens then?

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I see diamonds and hearts and clovers, oh my!

" So ummm…when I close my eyes, I see hearts and clubs, spades and diamonds. They are everywhere…"

I see monkey business theres monkey flying around taking coins it’s it for real or am I having nightmares, I think I better call the dr and some Valium (ha ha)

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Psychiatrist to pt…you ran through three traffic lights, outran four police cars, ran through a roadblock and took out two power poles just to get back in the game. Anxious isn’t the diagnosis I had in mind.

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