It comes with crackers, there is a picture on the box, but there is NO CRACKERS!!!
Last time I buy a lava cracker platter.

You didn’t win the level? Is that really your complaint?
Yes, yes it is. I expect to win every game I play!
Hahahahhahahaaaaaa!!! Good luck with that!

Yes I need a 10000 coin bonus. Yes I need it 10 times a day.

Do you know who I am I’m the one and only Bailey the events host and I demand I get a office like this one. get me your manager I’m makeing a formal complaint don’t make me flutter my wings.

I would like to file a complaint about this bird box challenge sir

Did he just hit me???

I want my name first why is it always tiki, tiki,tiki¿

Now you’ve really ruffled my tail feathers!

I was told if I said polly want a cracker that I was grantine some crackers so were are my crackers

Guard, can you please control all these advertisements. They are blocking my moves.

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Then he had the audacity to call me a pigeon!

What do you mean I can’t get credit for the 500,000 coins I spent on Parrot Bay? I was drunk!

The game players keep Saving the Tikis and they won’t let me sleep a wink. Do you know just how loud 37,000,000 tikis are?!?

I demand a refund on this lousy dye job!

Of course I need a airplane ticket! Do you think I can get to Miami with these wings?

For the last time, I am not Toucan Sam! I’m not even a toucan!

We’ll someone’s an Angry Bird! …wait, wrong game

What the f-duck did you sell me?

Monsieur l 'agent .Je porte :door: :door: plainte pour abus de confiance et de faiblesse . Monsieur Jean Mote , de la RTBF , m 'a soutire des plumes par derrière et les a mise sur son chapeau et à un endroit que je ne peux citer . C 'est du vol par “” derrière " …

Take a SNAP SHOT of this !!! Birdie